Nervous about buying pre-loved luxury items online? Don’t be. At Replica Jewelry Store , trust is at the heart of what we do. We understand how inundated the resale industry can be with counterfeit products. That’s why authenticating is our top priority for every piece we sell.

Every single item that enters our store is carefully examined to ensure it meets our criteria. Our experts are highly skilled in the art of authentication and in order to verify products, they place them under a thorough inspection process before getting approved for sale. Specifically, they’ll look at the stitching, stamping, hardware, authenticity stamp, hologram sticker (if applicable), serial number or date code, materials, and craftsmanship to determine if the details match up with the established standards produced from the manufacturer.   

What does this mean for you?

You can shop with ease and confidence knowing that all of our items listed have gone through a meticulous process of approval to ensure that they are 100% authentic.

At Replica Jewelry Store , we’re passionate about offering the world’s best pre-loved designer luxury goods in an economical way so that everyone can have the opportunity to enjoy a little glitz and glam without the hefty price tags. Our well-curated products are sourced only from the most reputable consignment shops, spanning London, Paris, New York City, and other designer favourite hot spots. We hunt for the most beautiful collections from high-end designer brands, traversing timeless classics to the hottest modern trends so that our customers can have the luxury they long for and deserve, delivered right to their front door. Shop for old, new, and rare luxury finds without having to embark on the hunt yourself. We do it all for you, offering them all in one convenient spot, and at prices that you can feel good about.

Luxury bag with features

To show our customers how much we stand behind our rigorous authentication process and what we represent, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee return policy if the authenticity, condition, or style of the handbag is in any way misrepresented in our listing. Uncompromising quality and value are what we’re all about.